Small business owners usually have a limited budget for marketing, which makes it important for them to use the most effective methods for maximizing conversions. There are several types of sales promotion examples that work well for small businesses. If you want to grow your business and reach more people in your target market, include these six effective sales promotion tactics when you plan your marketing strategy.
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Word-of-mouth marketing: How to make it work for you
 | Small business inspiration
When it comes to business success, good gossip has always been marketing gold. Get people talking about your product and you’ll convert mere shoppers to customers. Loyal customers. So, if your current customers are happy with your product, how do you capture the power of these opinions?
Read MoreWhy affiliate marketing programs are good for small businesses
Many small businesses face a common problem: How do I get my name out there without a large marketing budget? One solution is affiliate marketing programs. Here's how to get started.
Read MoreWhat businesses can do to support social justice
 | Marketing
Even in the midst of an unpredictable environment, there are opportunities for businesses to thrive. Use these steps to advocate for social justice within your business.
Read MoreHow to find Facebook groups in your industry to help grow your business
 | Management
With so many businesses going remote, business owners should look into virtual networking, by way of Facebook groups, to find valuable insight from other entrepreneurs in their industry.
Read More4 Tax deductions for independent contractors
Make sure you take advantage of the tax deductions that come with being an independent contractor. Here are four business-related expenses that can help your bottom line at tax time.
Read More6 Local marketing tips for small businesses
 | Management
Eighty percent of Americans shop online, so it’s more important than ever for business to have a local online presence.
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