Legal notices

Hiscox, the international specialist insurer, is headquartered in Bermuda and listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE:HSX). There are three main underwriting parts of the Group - Hiscox London Market, Hiscox UK and Europe and Hiscox International. Hiscox International includes operations in Bermuda, Guernsey and the USA. Hiscox ASM Ltd, Hiscox Underwriting Ltd and Hiscox Syndicates Ltd are authorized and regulated by the UK Financial Services Authority. The ability of syndicates at Lloyd’s to do business in the USA and its territories is restricted as they are not US-based insurers.

Hiscox Inc., a Delaware corporation headquartered in New York, is a licensed insurance intermediary for admitted and surplus lines business. Hiscox Inc. underwrites on behalf of, and places business with, Hiscox Insurance Company Inc., other domestic insurers, and syndicates at Lloyd's ( Hiscox Insurance Company Inc. is a Geneva, IL domiciled insurer which is admitted or licensed to do business in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Except with regard to small business insurance available on-line at this Site ( inquiries as to insurance or other products or services should be directed to an insurance agent or broker licensed to conduct business in the relevant US state. [] For further information about an insurer's ability to do business in the USA and US territories, please contact a licensed agent or broker for advice.

Lloyd’s is proposing to transfer certain EEA insurance policies to Lloyd’s Brussels. The proposed transfer will not change terms and conditions of any policy, except that Lloyd’s Brussels will become the insurer and Data Controller in respect of the transferred policies. Further information about the proposal (including whether it could affect your pre-transfer position), which policies are transferring, your rights and what you need to do can be found at

This notice provides general information on Hiscox’s products and services only and, is not intended to be, and does not constitute, a solicitation of business by syndicates at Lloyd’s from or in respect of the USA or US territories. The information contained herein is not a part of an insurance policy, and may not be used to modify any insurance policy that might be issued. In the event the actual policy forms are inconsistent with any information provided herein, the language of the policy forms shall govern.