Claims reporting process for Entertainment policies

Effective July 31, 2023, all Entertainment General Liability, Property, and Specialty Production Package losses will be directly handled by Hiscox for immediate assignment.

This benefit will cut down on the amount of time it takes for a claim to be set up and assigned, in turn creating a much smoother and more efficient claim experience.

How to report a claim to Hiscox

Report Entertainment losses as soon after the loss as possible while information is fresh. Please continue to utilize the following methods to direct report claims to Hiscox:

Email: [email protected]

Regular Mail: 
Attention: Entertainment Claims 
601 South Figueroa Street, Suite 2650 
Los Angeles, CA 90017


What policies should continue to be reported to North American Risk Services, Inc. (NARS) directly?

The following Entertainment claims are still subject to reporting and handling by NARS:

  • Auto
  • Workers Compensation (if claim is not reported directly to NARS by broker/insured)


How to report a claim to NARS

Report Auto and Workers Compensation claims only to NARS as soon after the loss as possible while information is fresh. Use any of the following methods 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

Telephone: (800) 315-6090

Fax: (866) 261-8507


Email: [email protected]

Regular Mail: 
North American Risk Services 
P.O. Box 166002 
Altamonte Springs, FL 32716-6002 
Attn: New Loss Unit

Claims should be reported with a completed Loss Acord form. At a minimum, please include:

  • Policy number
  • Policyholder contact information – name, phone number, address, email
  • Broker contact information – name, phone number, address, email
  • Detailed description of the loss

An adjuster will be assigned to the claim, and after reviewing the information provided, will make personal contact.

Please note: It is our preference that any Auto or Workers Compensation claim of a serious nature are phoned into NARS. This allows us to escalate the loss immediately.

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